Debit Card RoundUp Savings Program

The Debit Card RoundUp Savings Program is like a virtual coin jar.

Once you enroll, the amount of every debit card transaction you make1 will be rounded up the nearest dollar, and the difference will be transferred to your CCU Share Savings Account. For example, if you purchase something for $2.30, your card will be charged $3. $2.30 will go towards your purchase, and the "RoundUp" amount of 70 cents will be deposited into your Share Savings Account. 

Here's how it works: 

  1. Enroll your checking account:
    • Using the Mobile App:
      • Log in to the Mobile App
      • Go to the More area
      • Select the Debit Card RoundUp Savings link
      • Follow the prompts to select the checking account you want to enroll in the Debit Card RoundUp Program and submit the secure form
    • Using eBranch Online Banking:
      • Go to and log in to eBranch Online Banking
      • Click on the Debit Card RoundUp Savings image on the Accounts home page
    • Follow the prompts to select the checking account you want to enroll in the RoundUp Program and submit the secure form
  2. Use the debit card(s) issued for your enrolled checking account to make purchases and pay bills like you normally do
  3. We'll add up all your daily RoundUp amounts and make one transfer from your checking account to your Share Savings Account each day
  4. You'll see your daily transfer and deposit activity in the transaction history for your checking account and your Share Savings Account
  5. You can track your savings with the charts available in the Mobile App or in eBranch Online Banking. 
Just like a "real" coin jar, your savings can add up quickly. But, you never have to lug this jar to the coin machine!

View the complete Debit RoundUp Savings Program Terms and Conditions.

Good To Know:
  • All cards issued to an enrolled checking account will be subject to RoundUp activity.
  • Only transactions made with your debit card will round up. So, items you pay for by check, online Bill Pay, Popmoney, etc. will not round up.
  • Whole dollar transactions will not round up.
  • ATM transactions will not round up.
  • A RoundUp transfer will never cause your checking account to go negative. If you don't have enough money in your account to allow the transfer of your daily RoundUp total to take place, we simply won't do one that day.  There are no partial transfers, and we don't go back and do a transfer for a past day.
  • You may only enroll one checking account per CCU Florida membership.
  • You may unenroll any time.
  • Not available for business accounts.
Smart Member Tip:
  • If you maintain a check register, be sure to round up your transaction to the nearest dollar when making your entry.


Information on different CCU Checking Accounts

Open A CCU Checking Account

1Upon enrollment in the Debit Card RoundUp Program, CCU Florida will round up your VISA® debit card purchases to the nearest whole dollar and transfer the difference to your Share Savings Account. Program subject to change or cancellation without notice. Not available for business debit cards.