Bill Pay

Paying bills at multiple websites or by check?  Let CCU deliver your payments with one-stop convenience.  Plus, you'll never pay for stamps or envelopes!

  • Pay each time or set up recurring payments
  • Make multiple payments in one easy step 
  • View past payments 
  • No worries about lost or stolen mailed payments.  We deliver password-protected security! 
  • Control your finances with email alerts for bill arrivals, due dates, and upcoming payments
  • On-time delivery guaranteed!

Log in for a Better Way to Pay!
Sign up for Bill Pay by logging in to eBranch Online Banking.  Select the "Bill Pay" tab and follow the prompts to set up your payees and schedule payments.

Still Have Questions?
See our Bill Pay FAQs:

Q. When can I start using Bill Pay?
A. Bill Pay is available to you as soon as your CCU Checking Account has been opened and funded.  Simply log in to eBranch Online Banking, select the "Bill Pay" option from the yellow menu bar, and follow the prompts to set up your payees and schedule payments.

Q. When is Bill Pay available?
A. You may schedule payments 24 hours a day, seven days a week.  Payments are only processed on business days.  The dates that are available to process payments will be shown when you are scheduling each payment.

Q. How are Bill Pay transactions reflected on my checking account?
A. All Bill Pay transactions are reflected as an ACH Debit on your account statement.

Q. Can I use Bill Pay from outside the U.S.?
A. You may pay bills from outside the U.S. if you are using a supported browser.  These include the following: Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE) 11, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, and Apple Safari 9, 10, or 11.

Q. Can I pay bills to payees outside the U.S.?
A. No.  Payments may only be made to payees within the U.S.

Q. What do payees actually receive?
A. Payments can be received in two different ways.  If the payee accepts electronic payments, they will receive payment information in an electronic format that credits your account with them.  If the payee does not accept electronic payments, a laser-printed paper check will be generated on your behalf and sent through the U.S. Postal Service.

Q. Who can be paid using the Bill Pay Service?
A. Any business or person in the fifty United States and territories who can accept a check.  We DO NOT recommend the following payments be paid with this service: tax payments (such as federal, state, and local), court-directed payments (such as alimony and child support), and any other government-related payments.

Please do not use Bill Pay to make a payment on a CCU loan or credit card.  Simply transfer the funds from the CCU account you are paying from.


Please contact a Member Service Representative at 321.690.2328 (outside Brevard, 1.800.690.2338) or send an email to [email protected].  For your security, DO NOT send account numbers or other private information using this general email address.  Private, unpublished personal information should ONLY be sent through Secure Email, which is available within the Mobile App and eBranch Online Banking.