Business Savings

CCU Florida offers a variety of Business Savings Accounts* which are federally insured by NCUA, and feature competitive dividend rates as well as the ability to transfer between CCU Florida accounts by phone, online, or on the mobile app.

Click on the types of Business Savings Accounts below and be directed to current rates.

Business Savings

Business Savings is your core membership account.  

Business Premium Savings

Business Premium Savings is a high-yield savings account. Dividends earned are based on the amount you have in your account.  This account can also be used as your core membership account.  All funds are fully liquid and available, unlike other high-yield savings accounts. 

Organizational/Non-Profit Savings

Certificates of Deposit

Terms from 6 months to 60 months are available. A minimum deposit of at least $1,000 is required.

Business Money Market


Business Account rates. 
Open A CCU Deposit Account
Learn about required documents for Business Accounts.


*CCU Florida business memberships are separate from personal memberships. If you are already have a CCU personal membership, please open a new membership for your business (one-time $5 membership fee). A minimum balance of $5 is required to maintain a CCU Florida Business Savings Account.