Teacher and Student Web Resources

Provided below are links to helpful websites for children of all ages to learn more about a variety of financial matters.  There are also excellent resources to help parents and teachers.

Elementary & Middle School

High School

  • High School Financial Planning Program (HSFPP):  A personal finance website developed for young adults by National Endowment for Financial Education (NEFE).  It covers basics of money management and helps teens learn more about buying a car, student loans, and much more.
  • BALANCE Track - Credit Matters:  Learn about different types of credit and how to manage it to avoid expensive mistakes that can follow you for a lifetime.
  • Federal Reserve Education:  Information, publications, and lesson plans from the Federal Reserve.
  • National Endowment for Financial Education Resources for Teachers(NEFE): Excellent web resources for classroom teachers. The NEFE High School Financial Planning Program® is an award-winning, free, non-commercial financial education program in schools throughout the nation. This website has resources for students, parents and instructors with a network to log in for students and teachers. The NEFE High School Financial Planning Program was developed by teachers and financial professionals who know how to move students from knowledge to the kinds of positive action that will help them begin their financial lives on the right foot. This planning tool has six units to teach practical money management skills and an introduction to financial planning.
  • National Council Economics Education Nationwide:  Promotes economic literacy with students and their teachers.
  • Jump$tart Coalition:  Increase financial literacy of young adults and the teaching of personal finance. Free materials are available for teachers.
  • Junior Achievement:  Kindergarten through 12th grade programs taught by community volunteers.
  • Consumer Jungle:  A site created by The University of Arizona for students, parents and teacher to discuss various financial issues.
  • Sense and Dollars:  This resource is a Maryland Public Television website that is supported by a STAR grant from the US Department of Education.
  • Practical Money Skills for Life: Geared towards teachers and educators creating awareness about financial literacy and what students need to know about money matters.  Enables teachers to share the lessons on financial literacy with their students.

College Financing

  • US Department of Education:   Information on grants, loans, work-study and tax credit for education.
  • Federal Student Aid (FAFSA):  Provides important information on how to complete a FAFSA in order to apply for federal student aid.
  • FinAid:  Official financial aid website providing teens with information about applying for federal aid as well as applying for grants and scholarships.

Car Buying

  • CCU Auto Buying Center:  Exclusive resources for Community Credit Union members that help take the stress out of shopping for and buying your next vehicle from start to finish. Research vehicles, get pre-approved for a loan and work with the Auto Pro to drive home with a great deal.

Credit Reports