Stop Payments
We understand there may be a time when you need to place a stop payment on a check or ACH payment. Below is information to assist you:
Stop payment fees:
$25.00 for an individual check, draft, series of checks or ACH debit. This amount must be in your account at the time the stop payment is placed.
How to request a Stop Payment
- Electronically – Log in to eBranch Online Banking, click on the “Additional Services” tab, then Stop Payment. Fill in the appropriate information, submit. You may only request stop payments on a personal or business check or draft electronically.
- Call or Visit – You may request a stop payment on any type of payment by calling 321.690.2328 (outside Brevard 1.800.690.2338), or visiting any of our branch locations.
- Be sure to have all pertinent information when requesting a stop payment: Check number, date of check or payment, who it is payable to, and the amount.