Stop Payments

We understand there may be a time when you need to place a stop payment on a check or ACH payment. Below is information to assist you:

Stop payment fees:

$25.00 for an individual check, draft, series of checks or ACH debit. This amount must be in your account at the time the stop payment is placed.

How to request a Stop Payment

  • Electronically – Log in to eBranch Online Banking, click on the “Additional Services” tab, then Stop Payment. Fill in the appropriate information, submit. You may only request stop payments on a personal or business check or draft electronically.
  • Call or Visit – You may request a stop payment on any type of payment by calling 321.690.2328 (outside Brevard 1.800.690.2338), or visiting any of our branch locations.
  • Be sure to have all pertinent information when requesting a stop payment: Check number, date of check or payment, who it is payable to, and the amount.

For Additional Assistance:

Please contact a Member Service Representative at 321.690.2328 (outside Brevard, 1.800.690.2338) or send an email to [email protected].  For your security, DO NOT send account numbers or other private information using this general email address.  Private, unpublished personal information should ONLY be sent through Secure Email, which is available within the Mobile App and eBranch Online Banking.