Text Message Banking

 You can receive secure instant text messages with your balances and recent transaction history. You can also transfer between accounts right from your text enabled smart phone or wireless device! There is no need to download an app or log in. Simply text the key word for the information you want to 454545

Helpful Hints to Get Started:

  • Once you’ve logged on to eBranch Online Banking, you’ll see a link in the My Accounts area for Manage Mobile Alerts.  Simply select this link and follow the prompts to activate this service to select the text messages you would like to receive.
  • After you are registered for the service, you have the ability to change or customize alerts at any time within the My Accounts section of your eBranch Online Banking account.
  • During the registration process, you will designate which account you would like set up as your primary account.
  • CCU does not charge for this service, however, you should check with your mobile provider regarding limits and possible charges for text messages under your plan.
Text Messaging Information Codes

What to Text to 454545

What You Will Receive

BAL, BALANCE Current Balance for Primary Account
BAL CHK, BAL CHECK, BAL CHECKING ACCOUNT Current Balance of Active Checking Accounts
BAL SAV, BAL SAVE, BAL SAVINGS, BAL SAVINGS ACCOUNT Current Balance of Active Savings Accounts 
BAL ALL, ALL BAL, BALANCE ALL, ALL BALANCE Current Balance for All Active Accounts
LAST, LAST5, LAST 5, LAST FIVE, LAST TRANS Five Most Recent Transactions on Primary Account
TRANS, TRANSFER, TRAN, T + $ AMOUNT Transfer Funds Between Accounts 
HELP, HLP  Additional Instructions for Text Message Banking
STOP, END, CANCEL, UNSUBSCRIBE, QUIT Ends Text Message Banking for that Phone 


To start using the CCU Text Message Banking Service; open an account below.

Open A Deposit Account

For Additional Assistance:

Please contact a Member Service Representative at 321.690.2328 (outside Brevard, <1.800.690.2338) or send an email to [email protected].  For your security, DO NOT send account numbers or other private information using this general email address.  Private, unpublished personal information should ONLY be sent through Secure Email, which is available within the Mobile App and eBranch Online Banking.