Terms and Conditions

By clicking the Submit button at the bottom of this CCU Debit Card Roundup Savings Program Enrollment Form ("Enrollment Form"), I hereby request Community Credit Union of Florida to enroll the checking account designated below ("Checking Account") in the CCU Debit Card RoundUp Savings Program ("Program") and I agree to these Program Terms and Conditions. When you enroll in the Program, Community Credit Union of Florida ("CCU") will round up the amount of any debit card purchase made using a debit card associated with the enrolled Checking Account to the nearest whole dollar, and transfer the excess of the purchase price to your primary savings account ("Savings Account").

Participation in the Debit Card RoundUp Savings Program is at the account level. You cannot enroll or remove individual cards associated with your Checking Account.

You must submit a separate enrollment form for each Checking Account you wish to enroll or remove from the Program. You may enroll one checking account per membership.

After you have enrolled in the Program, purchases made using any debit card associated with Checking Account will be subject to RoundUp activity. CCU will aggregate the RoundUp amounts from all purchases that post to your Checking Account each day and make a single transfer at the end of the day.

If on any given day your Checking Account does not have sufficient available funds to round up, or if any transaction has overdrawn your Checking Account, CCU will not round up purchases posted on that day. Transfers will resume the following day, or on the next day that sufficient funds are available.

ATM transactions are not included in the Program.

The Program is available to all personal checking accounts, excluding HSA. The Program is not available for business accounts.

If a debit card purchase is subsequently canceled or reversed, the corresponding transfer will remain in your Savings Account.

If you receive a new debit card due to your current card being lost, stolen, or reissued, your participation in the Program will continue. There is no need to re-enroll in the Program.

You may cancel your participation in the Program at any time by submitting this Enrollment Form and selecting the "remove" option provided below. Please note that it may take up to 3 business days to process your request.

The Program is available only on a debit card associated with Checking Account enrolled in the Program. Purchases made using checks, ACH, or other means of payment do not qualify for participation in the Program.