Overdraft Privilege
Qualifying members age 18 and up can enjoy the peace of mind that checks will be paid even if there are insufficient funds in your account up to a preset limit.* With Overdraft Privilege, your checks and electronic transactions are paid so you can avoid merchant returned item fees, late fees, and negative information being reported to check reporting systems. There's no need to sign up, as this is a benefit automatically extended to qualifying CCU members on account types that offer this feature.
If you would like to extend your Overdraft Privilege to cover purchase transactions made with your CCU Debit Card and for withdrawals at ATMs, please call a Member Service Representative or send a secure email when logged into eBranch Online Banking and let us know that you would like to opt in for Overdraft Privilege PLUS.
How does Overdraft Privilege work?
Transactions presented against insufficient funds on your account will be paid with Overdraft Privilege up to your limit.* For each item paid using Overdraft Privilege, your account will be charged a fee of $30 for each occurrence. You will then have 30 days to bring your account to a positive balance.
Unless you have specifically opted in to cover Debit Card transactions and ATM withdrawals, only items presented to CCU are covered. Examples of items that are covered by the automatic protection would be a check that you have written or an online payment that you scheduled using the CCU routing number and your electronic account number.
Is Overdraft Privilege a loan?
No. Overdraft Privilege is a courtesy automatically extended to qualifying CCU members. CCU will pay your overdraft transactions up to your preset Overdraft Privilege limit. CCU may suspend your Overdraft Privilege benefit at any time.
How am I charged?
There is no annual or monthly fee. You are only charged a fee when Overdraft Privilege is used to pay for an item not covered by the funds available in your account. This fee is currently $30 per occurrence. Qualified items will be paid up to your Overdraft Privilege limit. After that, you will incur an Insufficient Funds Fee of $30 and your item will be returned unpaid.
How do I know when I've used Overdraft Privilege?
You may set up email and text alerts that let you know when your checking account balance has dropped below a certain amount. You may access your account balance at any time by calling our 24-hour Telli Account Access or by logging in to eBranch Online Banking.
What if I exceed my Overdraft Privilege limit?
Transactions will be returned unpaid if the amount(s) presented against insufficient funds and fee(s) exceed your overdraft privilege limit.
How do I learn more, opt in to Overdraft Privilege PLUS, or opt out of Overdraft Privilege?
- Contact a Member Service Representative at 321.690.2328 or 1.800.690.2338
- Visit your nearest branch
- In eBranch Online Banking, click on the "Additional Services" tab, then choose "Overdraft Services Consent" and elect to add or remove. You'll be instructed to fill in the appropriate information.
Overdraft Fees or NSF Fees:
If you do not qualify for Overdraft Privilege and have not set up Overdraft Transfer from a CCU savings account, you will be charged an overdraft or NSF fee of $30 for each item overdrawn, and your checks will be returned without payment.
Fees for Overdrawing Accounts:
Fees may be imposed on each check, draft item, debit/ATM card withdrawal, debit card point of purchase, preauthorized automatic debit, telephone initiated withdrawal or any other electronic withdrawal/transfer transaction that is drawn on an insufficient available account balance. The entire balance in your account may not be available for withdrawal, transfer or payment of a check, draft or item. You may consult the Funds Availability Policy for information regarding the availability of funds in your account. Fees for overdrawing your account may be imposed for each overdraft, regardless of whether we pay or return the draft, item or transaction. If we have approved an overdraft protection limit for your account, such fees may reduce your approval limit.
Please refer to the Fee Schedule for current information.
*Your Member Service Representative will advise you of your limit at the time you open your account. If you do not know your limit, you may call a Member Service Representative, ask the next time you visit a branch, or send a secure email when logged in to eBranch Online Banking.
For Additional Assistance:
Please contact a Member Service Representative at 321.690.2328 (outside Brevard, 1.800.690.2338) or send an email to [email protected]. For your security, DO NOT send account numbers or other private information using this general email address. Private, unpublished personal information should ONLY be sent through Secure Email, which is available within the Mobile App and eBranch Online Banking.